Friday, August 8, 2008


Changed my scrap area a little. I got new pink baskets. They are so cute!!!

Here are pictures of my first ATC cards.


Anonymous said...

I recieved one of your ATC's yesterday. I thought it was cute. I love red, black and white.

Alexandra said...

I received one of your ATC's and I love it

Jacqueline said...

Hello there! I just found your blog today. Love your ATCs and really "enjoyed" watching your YouTube! Keep up the fine work with your art & your blog!

If you like working with ATCs, we have an ATC workshop starting January 4th. We will be studying the book titled Artist Trading Card Workshop by Bernie Berlin. Here is info about it & a link to art created by members in the previous workshop.

Many blessings to you and family! It was such a joy meeting you today. Will be visiting more often since I know that you are here!
